Module 4

Virtual Meetings

Welcome to this 4th module focused on virtual meetings. In this chapter you will learn how to expand your usage of Livestorm to cater to your external and internal meetings, connect your google and outlook calendar to the tool and use scheduling tools such as Calendly to streamline your booking process.

Duration: 15 min

Livestorm module 4
Watch the training

In this module, you will discover:

Seller Sammy

Public Events Setup

Facilitator Franky

Calendar Integration Setup

Meeting Scheduler

Watch the training
Put your knowledge to the test

Put your knowledge to the test

Complete all modules to receive the Livestorm certification.

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Ask Me Anything sessions

Join those weekly sessions to chat with your Livestorm CSM experts and ask questions.

On-demand training

Join our on-demand training session

Register for this 1-hour training session to learn how to create your first event step-by-step.

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To go further:

Module 5

Livestorm Tips and Tricks: Setting up events

Are you ready to take your event to the next level?

Duration: 15 min

Watch the training