Module 3

Technical best practices

Get recommendations on the optimal technical set-up for Livestorm and discover how to troubleshoot potential technical problems.

Duration: 15min

Module 3 livestorm
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In this module, you'll learn how to:

Set up Livestorm according to our technical recommendations

Troubleshoot any camera or microphone issues

Troubleshoot any media-sharing issues

Watch the training
Put your knowledge to the test

Put your knowledge to the test

Complete all modules to receive the Livestorm certification.

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Ask Me Anything sessions

Join those weekly sessions to chat with your Livestorm CSM experts and ask questions.

On-demand training

Join our on-demand training session

Register for this 1-hour training session to learn how to create your first event step-by-step.

Register now

To go further:

Module 4

Virtual Meetings

Learn how to use Livestorm for optimal meetings.

Duration: 15 min

Watch the training

Module 5

Livestorm Tips and Tricks: Setting up events

Are you ready to take your event to the next level?

Duration: 15 min

Watch the training