Welcome to Livestorm Learning

Your e-learning platform to get started and master Livestorm.


The program at a glance

Take on a step-by-step journey: navigate through the platform and create successful events. Ready to start?

Module 1


Get off to a good start: define your KPIs, ROI, and strategy.

Duration: 7min

Watch the training

Module 2

Become a Livestorm expert

Explore all the settings to run your first meeting or webinar.

Duration: 28min

Watch the training

Module 3

Technical best practices

Learn everything you need to know from a technical standpoint.

Duration: 15min

Watch the training

Module 4

Virtual Meetings

Learn how to use Livestorm for optimal meetings.

Duration: 15 min

Watch the training

Module 5

Livestorm Tips and Tricks: Setting up events

Are you ready to take your event to the next level?

Duration: 15 min

Watch the training
Become Livestorm certified

Become Livestorm certified

Complete all the modules in this course to be awarded your official Livestorm certification.

Calculate your Video Engagement Score™

Start measuring your event’s engagement. Compare your performance score across several sessions.

Calculate your score